Helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers
across the Thames Valley

01753 537142

About Us
Slough Refugee Support – SRS – is a registered charity focused exclusively on the needs of refugees and asylum seekers. Each year we support between 150 and 200 beneficiaries, who have arrived from as many as 32 countries and between them speak more than 24 languages.
Established in 1997 by people who saw a need to offer a welcome as well as practical help to some of the most marginalised people in their local community, SRS has built up a deep stock of experience of working with refugees and helping them with the many obstacles they face in their efforts to settle, contribute and thrive in the UK.
Our philosophy and approach is rooted in the belief that refugees want and need to achieve self-reliance and independence as soon as they can. Our core programme is based around drop-in advice sessions and follow-up casework to resolve identified issues.
Quality of service is a preoccupation and senior volunteers who are involved in advice-giving hold the Level 1 Competency Certificate, as per the requirements of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC). In addition, one member of staff can offer advice up to Level 2 and another up to Level 3.
SRS works closely with other agencies and arranges referrals where necessary.
Local agencies say that they greatly value SRS’s work in understanding the needs of this hard-to-assist group and signposting efficiently to the most appropriate public service.
Recognising the need to foster community and reduce the risks of social isolation which many refugees face, SRS organises classes and shared activities and also employs a Family Support Worker with an ‘outreach’ remit.
SRS works closely with Slough Borough Council to support refugees under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme.